i have noticed the indignation of some quarters of the zimbabwean society over the playing of Zanu-PF/president mugabe "praise" songs.
that appears all so bad at face value.
singing for supper, we understand all too well, is quite bad.
then the story has its reverse side: morgan tsavngirai praise songs should also be played.
it is the story of inclusivity, in the name of the current inclusive government forced between zanu pf and the two mdc's.
So while we celebrate zanupf/mugabe historical achievements and standing up to the evil west what exactly are we supposed to celebrate and praise tsvangirai and mdc for?
for their collective betrayal of the revolution championed by zanupf and mugabe, which brought independence, land and now diamonds?
Mugabe is much a heroic persona as an institution and phenomenon in African historical, economic and political justice.
Morgan apparently is none of the above, at worst, and best as an antithesis to the same.
Maybe he is culpable only to the extent of being guilty by association with the West.
But then the West represents all the worst that can happen to Africa.
Slavery, colonialism, capitalism, neocolonialism.
No, there is nothing to celebrate in Morgan Tsvangirai.
His friends are our enemies.
he is feted there, because that is where he is most useful.
there is no reason for us to do the same here.
Morgan tsvangirai's orientation is such that he may undo all the achievements of this our country that certain gallant people delivered from evil.
he was rather timid, or too busy, to do the same.
such is the short history of ours we are supposed to forget.
My foot!
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