Thursday, July 7, 2011

MDC-T kind of “rule of law”

PM Tsvangirai knows these things.
It would be quite ludicrous for him to try and play the martyr.
On the other hand, while the Police are spot on in reminding MDC-T that security establishments are out of bounds for vigilantes, it would be prudent to tread carefully in the coming weeks.
MDC-T has been looking for a North African window and they might provoke the police in order to precipitate a crisis.
MDC-T would very much like a Benghazi.
That PM Tsvangirai has been on a warpath with the security forces as well as portraying himself a martyr could well prove to be the evil ingredients of a Libya.
  The MDC-T version of rule of law, as championed by a PM Tsvangirai who is itching to be arrested, is simply dangerous and one to be wary of.

By Tichaona Zindoga
MDC-T leader, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, recently challenged that he be arrested and “rot in jail”.
Reading the screaming headlines to that effect, it became clear that the premier was trying to play the martyr.
He could die for his beliefs, whatever they are.
He thus could be one to be eulogized over in Biblical proportions.
After all, only a few weeks earlier he had declared his hands were clean and had never killed anybody.
The man who once gave himself over as surety for self-exiled treasurer-general of his party Roy Bennett when the latter faced serious charges relating to terrorism thus continued his mission to martyrdom, which he believes no doubt he will assume when his party wins power in Zimbabwe.
For a moment, one would think that PM Tsvangirai was just another vigilante from the street trying to get some attention.
Of course attention he wants, but please, he is a whole Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe!
Under the Global Political Agreement among PM Tsvangirai’s party, another MDC formation and Zanu-PF, his party became a governing party and his office as PM a State office.
It would really be laughable, were it not so tragic for national interests, that PM Tsvangirai continues to behave like he is an opposition leader.
It is true that he has the other party hat to don but his failure to rise beyond party politics – immature protest politics at that – is tragic.
He thus has failed to graduate into real national leadership.
His narcissism shows this trait profusely.
PM Tsvangirai is so obsessed with the self and it is the reason why he wants this martyrdom.
After all his party has his surname!
Suffice to say, his party does not have a clear ideological thrust on which policies are predicated.
His party’s thrust to remove President Mugabe and his revolutionary Zanu-PF is carried chiefly by the personality of PM Tsvangirai.
The promises that the party gave to the electorate were predicated on the perceived ability of PM Tsvangirai to unlock Western aid.
It did not come.
Now he wants to elicit sympathy using the same failed trick.
Yet on this score there is something fundamentally flawed about PM Tsvangirai and his party.
It is the deception that the premier and his party are a host of angels.
PM Tsvangirai has described Zanu-PF as “merchants of violence”.
This negates the facts on the ground that MDC-T is a violent party, and this violence it turns on its own, against political rivals and even ordinary people who would be mourning loved ones.
This trend is well established.
Even the premier, his deputy Thokhozani Khupe, among other officials were there when the hooligans of MDC-T pounced on mourners at Warren Hills Cemetery in Harare a couple of months ago.
The GPA acknowledges violence as perpetrated by both MDC-T and Zanu-PF elements.
The Zimbabwe Republic Police statement this week that MDC-T is not only involved in violence but wants to defeat the course of justice should put paid to the silly narcissism and grandstanding by PM Tsvangirai.
MDC-T activists have been invading police stations whenever a member of the party is arrested on suspicion of committing a crime.
Just recently, MDC-T activists allegedly murdered a police officer in Glen View.
Inspector Petros Mutedza had gone to investigate an illegal meeting convened by MDC-T youths.
In a strongly worded statement to the media this week the Police said MDC-T behaves cancerously criminal.
Said the statement: “We have observed a worrisome trend amongst MDC activists that whenever we arrest any MDC member/s for committing crimes, they mobilise themselves and invade police stations harassing and threatening officers, thereby disturbing and compromising security and smooth running of the station.”
Police warned that should such conduct manifest itself again the force would invoke the necessary standing orders as they relate to security of police establishments and use necessary force to ensure compliance, besides invoking the applicable laws.
Police were seized with the matter of the murder of Inspector Mutedza.
“We are also sensitive to the behaviour displayed by MDC hooligans when they murdered Inspector Mutedza while he was on duty.
“This tragic event brings an added sense of urgency to the safety of our Police stations and members.”
 “The police said in a statement it inserted in the state controlled Sunday newspaper.
And to hammer the point that MDC-T are not doves the Police had this to say: “It is unfortunate that the behaviour of invading police stations is synonymous with the MDC.
“Through admission in media reports the MDC have invaded Rhodesville and Matapi police stations in the latest arrest of Mr Jameson Timba.
“It is invasions like these that will not be tolerated in future and may everyone please take heed.”
The criminal behaviour of the MDC-T, in particular the aspect of invading police stations noted above, brings chills down the spines of people who have seen the party conduct its urban terrorism.
In 2007, two officers at Marimba Police Station in Harare were lucky to be alive when they survived a petrol bomb attack by MDC-T activists.
In 2007, Constables Busani Moyo and Pretty Mushonga had their stars to thank after surviving a petrol-bombing by MDC-T activists.
In an attack that was part of an orgy of violence by the MDC-T which also targetted State institutions and public infrastructure, the police constables sustained very serious burns on their faces and bodies, while another officer, Brenda Makamba, was lucky to escape with lesser burns.
MDC-T urban terrorism has also seen the party’s activists bomb buses and an informal market where perceived Zanu-PF supported ply trade.
A recent report by the police shows that for the first quarter of the year, MDC-T has been involved in most violence countrywide.
PM Tsvangirai knows these things.
It would be quite ludicrous for him to try and play the martyr.
On the other hand, while the Police are spot on in reminding MDC-T that security establishments are out of bounds for vigilantes, it would be prudent to tread carefully in the coming weeks.
MDC-T has been looking for a North African window and they might provoke the police in order to precipitate a crisis.
MDC-T would very much like a Benghazi.
That PM Tsvangirai has been on a warpath with the security forces as well as portraying himself a martyr could well prove to be the evil ingredients of a Libya.
  The MDC-T version of rule of law, as championed by a PM Tsvangirai who is itching to be arrested, is simply dangerous and one to be wary of.

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