Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Sanctions imposed by the US and EU, have been the major drivers of this as traditional partners and former colonisers the West tried to make the economy "scream" by shutting off trade and other constructive interaction.
As it is coincident that these same forces supported and nartured the apartheid system that prejudiced the South Africans who are angry today, it is only imperative for the South Africans to take a hard look in and on themselves.

I have been reading quite a lot about the so-called xenophobic violence that is likely to engulf South Africa as locals seek to purge their country of foreigners,primarirly so their black brothers and sisters.
This raises the spectre of the 2008 disturbances which left scores of people dead, and led to the exodus of foreign nationals who had found in SA the proverbial greener pastures.
The charge: these others have come to take away jobs, facilities, and all.
The complaints from the oft-impoverished people are understandable.
Only their anger and frustrations they are venting at the wrong people altogether.
Zimbabweans, who have flocked to the country in some considerable numbers, are among the chief potential victims of the violence.
They stannd accused of being on average more educated than the locals, putting the latter on a disadvantage.
They are more hardworking, thus exposing locals who, i gather are not used to so much industry.
They spend quite freely, and, they are accused, they push prices up...
Critically, these Zimbabweans have been pushed from their country by the economic situation that saw inflation rising to such astronomical levels as 231 million percent.
Sanctions imposed by the US and EU, have been the major drivers of this as traditional partners and former colonisers the West tried to make the economy "scream" by shutting off trade and other constructive interaction.
As it is coincident that these same forces supported and nartured the apartheid system that prejudiced the South Africans who are angry today, it is only imperative for the South Africans to take a hard look in and on themselves.
Sixteen years after their so-called Independence the same forces that controlled a racist system, economically socially annd politically still have all the grip today in spite of the new multi-colour disoensation.
The land, and industry are in their hands.
These are sectors that could transform the lives of ordinary people.
It would seem the yesteryear devils are not willing to share, and would use anything to block transfer to or sharing with blacks.
They have become polite law abiding citizens who if anyone wants their illgotten property they will have to do so within the context of white property rights.
Of course the courts are still in the devil's era of apartheid.
The courts will not allow the people to rally and demand that an oppressive system be killed.
The police will be all too happy to stop the people.
Just now someone was asking me whether i have herded cattle, yes-no, i reply because of my background.
Well, he says, if you can't find the cattle - meaning they have strayed from your into the forest - and you know you are in trouble, you could direct your anger at a lizard!
I understand.
Just about what i was thinking.
On the main, its a broader and complex story that you are dealing with.
The lizard is caught on the crossfire.
But does it deserve it?
Tackle the big problem head on.
Such a simple advice to South Africans and all other people's in such a quandary.
Poor black souls in your country are vevry much victims of the West as you are. That should unite you.
Killing them will not bring the goods.
But killing the Boer (Symbolically) will.
Taking your land, your industry, your mines, your courts, your schools, your everything...
Create regional and international synergies to cushion you from sabotage from the West or other potentially mischievous characters.
When such independence comes, you will see that you will not bother about a brother coming to your house to have a pinch of salt.
Nkosi Sikelel'Africa!!!

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